Comming soon...

Marbled Coralgrouper, world record submit story: (As told to Larry Carter)

"It was a perfect winter morning, perfect the enough to head up North for a visit at the reef system where I caught the Spangled Emperor record, there were plenty of excellent sized fish last time we where there so we decided to Fungwana.

After a long two hour trip we arrive…first drifts, Emiliano bags a nice Spanish Mackerel, Fenias lands a GT and I spot some nice Grouper at the base of the pinnacle…the next drift instead of staying mid-water for pelagic I decide to go all the way down…

…drifting through the sand , I reach the base of the reef and I stop…a merry go round of Surgeons, Unicorns and some Parrotfish surround me curious about the strange visitor, which led me to think that this reef is not much visited by spearfisherman…after a few seconds and behind this cloud of colours and life, a larger brown shape appears approaching gently…as it stops the approach I level my gun and aim…slowly I short the distance with my left hand just the enough to land a perfect kill shot to the head!!!

Back in the surface I retrieve the fish and I notice the size of this Coral Grouper, definitely a personal best and maybe a world record…

At the end of the day we headed to Sabor a Mar fishmonger’s, for it’s the only establishment we know with certified scales…it tipped 8,395 Kg on the digital scale…later back home I could see that the record is in 5,8 Kg so I started the process to apply for the record…"

2 comentários:

  1. Parabéns amigo Nuno, continua a mostrar esses peixinhos desse mar "calmo e sempre transparente" =)

  2. Belo peixe!! mais um world record hehehe ! Parabens Nuno! Boas caçadas!
